The news is that a high executives of Microsoft has revealed certain journalists, within Microsoft is discussing this again to make another bid for Yahoo. Or at least certain sector of the direction of Microsoft defends this offer, while another part of the address is opposed to it, arguing that you an investment of this amount (Yahoo has a market value of around 18 billion of dollars) is better to do it in a project with greater projection of future.
The news has been taken so seriously, Yahoo shares rose on the stock exchange. Although we know that the guys that handle bags attacked lately of nerves, as deer herd surrounded by wolves.
Can reading be done of the news? Therefore in principle, the news gives to deduce some things very clear and concrete:
(1) Than Yahoo, especially after firing (by email) to its last CEO, Carol Bartz, in early September, knew which was played in the wing. And that fact had entered sales period. At this time Yahoo is a company for sale to the highest bidder. The problem now is finding a fool who wants to pay the market price of Yahoo.
(2), And Microsoft, meanwhile, continues with its eternal problem; and it is to what you do has never been able to thrive on the Internet. And it is true that Yahoo does wrong, very wrong... But Microsoft makes it worse still. For example, MS released a new search engine (Bing), in a very promising beginning in 2009 (with the speech used on semantic web and similar).As well, after two years and a half, not only Bing keeps moving in lowercase figures on the number of global searches (3.7%), but besides Google continues to grow (+ 85%), and what is more shocking, Yahoo, which now uses Bing as its search engine, folded to Bing in searches in the amount of searches (+ 6%).
(3) In the end, not me foreign MS does not know to do: whether to buy an ever more decadent Yahoo, or invest in a new project, them that even can enter decline as they have never been anything on the Internet.
(4) And all of this to the dessert, is bad news for users. For us the important and beneficial is competition. What we have seen recently with the appearance of Google Plus: in a quarter, Facebook has evolved more and more fast under the impact of this competition in several years of monopoly of social networks. And the crisis of Yahoo-Microsoft announces a consolidation of Google in the monopoly of the searches on the Internet.
(5) And while Microsoft is just the time. There are few years so that almost all this in the cloud, including ofimatic applications. And when that happens, and in the current situation, Microsoft would be very little or nothing. And its decline. and now that of Yahoo, will be unstoppable.
(6) In short, there will be that invent something to deal with the near-monopoly of Google in the searches of the Internet. But much to change the situation or that "something" with security won't arise neither Yahoo nor Microsoft, but some company full of fresh ideas and new.