
Why software companies allow the "pirated" software?

A macro world of BSA survey reveals that approximately half of the software using the PC's globally is illegal (i.e. not paid by the). Which brings us to the central thesis of this article: the "pirated" software exists because software companies allow it and make it easier on a personal level and chases him at the enterprise level. And that is his business model based on payment and easy software of "hack"

A macro survey conducted by ABC between 15,000 users of PCs in 32 countries, yields a result not by expected less spectacular: approximately 47% of users use illegal software.

Business Software Alliance (BSA), the entity that brings together leading companies in software, such as Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, and Symantec, in defense of intellectual property rights. The main objective of the group perform all kinds of measures (from lawsuits, to bells "concienciacion about the evil or danger of illegal software") the protection of copyright of the software created by its members.

And the current macro survey on illegal software in the world these are some of the results:

Almost half of the world (47%) computer users acquire all or part of your software by illegal means. And this despite the fact that according to the survey, 71% of respondents showed their support for the intellectual property rights.In developing countries, the figures are even greater. In China, for example, 86 percent of PC users use illegal software. In Nigeria, 81 per cent. In Viet Nam, is 76%.Managers of companies are equally likely to use illegal software as the rest of PC users.An important part of illegal software users are not aware of commit any illegality.By geographical areas, the data are as follows:
There is a relationship directisima between the living standards and the use of pirated software: the third world is always above 50%, and the highly developed countries about 30 per cent or less. The EU, with 33% and specifically Spain with 43% sobrepasaria this figure.
The macro BSA survey are can be downloaded from here.

We think the data on the low level of social awareness that environment to the condemnation of the use of illegal software. Most people understand that removing a car to the neighbor is theft and it is bad in itself, but copy the software to the neighbor (or read the book the neighbor lends you) is not a robbery, since theft is removing something from someone and volation of a book not you removed something to someone. In other words, the concept of extensible only serious theft scarce and/or tangible goods, but not those goods to be used not are deprived of something someone, for example to share an idea, reading a book or copy of a software.It is clear that if the level of use of illegal software is inversely proportional to the level of life of a society, that means one thing: people prefer to use legal software when you can afford to pay for the. Therefore if software companies want to make money with your software they need to do is give services and prices to compensate for the use of legal software (that is, for a fee).An example imaginative of what we say is that games have to use via online, and then be paid by the server, not the software.At the other end (of human stupidity) would be the record companies trying to keep his model of obsolete business by legal means, in this case is how to put doors to the field.And everything we say above obviously knows the software companies and apply it. That is, if 50% of the PCs in the world are using illegal software (without paying for the) is because software companies allow it. Obviously all software payment you can hack, but I repeat, if software companies wanted to prevent it could controls so complex that hackearlos exigiria too much effort and people would simply cease to use that software.What is the business model in this regard in the majority of software companies in payment important as Microsoft, adobe, etc. The business model of these companies is to facilitate the "piracy" of their software, so that many people use it personally without paying. Instead, the companies, which if watch, don't have no choice but to use legal software, and since then used the software that its employees used mostly in his home.In this way facilitate the personal use of illegal software on a personal level, facilitates that that software is introduced into companies that if forced to pay. Therefore worrying for business software in china not is percent of illegal software aware, but that the Government not pursue companies that use illegal software.

This last if puts in question the current payment software model.An example is the ease of "hack" is the case of Microsoft Windows. A facility which has increased with the passage of the years. But it is not just that with a simple serial will validate a Windows 7. It is no longer only to make it more easy create oro… serials It is that even legalised it via online and so you can upgrade when MS has to know that that is pirated software, and you can even legalize it with impunity. What's more, Microsoft spokesmen have come to recognize that validate and update pirated copies, supposedly to avoid the propagation of viruses is permitted.