
3 points to check for your blog at level 2

Previously we have seen what were the first steps to become a pro blogger. But now that you are - the, what to do? What is the suite of the path to advance in the pro blogging? How to continue learning all by increasing your authority as a blogger?

To discover three points in the road to professional blogging, follow the guide…

If you want to earn money with your blog, will need you a day the monetizing. And for this you do not 36 solutions. Either you sell the products of others (affiliation). Either you sell your time (services). Either you sell your own product.

I am deliberately not Adsense which will though on niche sites and has some specific blogs. I am also not articles sponsored because too random for a have a stable income.

And even if I think a good blogger pro must sell a bit of three pre - cites (membership, product, services), creation from nothing is often a carrier challenge of fears of anxieties. Yet, it is not very complicated.

To create your first product, you can therefore choose to:

In my opinion these are the three ways to create a simple product without too y reflect. The advantage is that your first product will be a first jet. And even if the purpose is to sell, it is especially to learn and make mistakes.

The creation, sale and promotion of your first product will give you bases for the suite. This will save in insurance and will also prove a your readers that you know to do something with your ten fingers.

Now that you have traffic, you have integrated a community and that you have friends, it is possible that talking about you. Good or evil, it is always a good idea to increase your fame.

Nothing good complicates, don't forget to return the favor if it sought to do an interview with you or if it you prepared free testimony (not precede to a service).

In the same sense, did not hesitate to seek articles prompts in other blogs, this allows to increase your visibility and establish your authority. Are you a reputation of expert advisor, it is not very difficult (even if sometimes long) and it is really paying.

It is unfortunately often. This is sometimes because of your success that you will attract the jealousy of some people. Other times it will be simply your ideas and your opinions which do not like.

In this case do you melez not to criticism. Deaf ear, this is quiet only. Any way, if you stay loyal has your commitments, you will have more friends than "of enemies". Interested-you, your community and totally ignore those who are you denigrate without reason. It is time lost that you have any interest to invest elsewhere.

I wrote an article on how some time ago managing comments on a polemic subject. So, you can inspire you to other "crisis situations".

Often at this stage you see blog for more than 6 months even a year. It is easy in these cases the see coming decouragement, loss of motivation. The long road traveled, despite meetings, discoveries and revenues, you always seems interminable.

It is in this kind of moment that should not let down. You say that a year is still very little. Of course in the world of blogging and the Internet is long, but a year is nothing more than a step. You'll cross a and if you want to last, arm of patience.

Hesitate not to do this was browse my Motivation and efficiency categories. I have myself already experienced several reductions in motivation and I can assure you that they have all been surmontees. Each descent makes me more experimentee and allows me to face the following more of facilitates.


That is therefore three councils a combine with the first three steps to begin in blogging. You therefore more able to move forward on the road to a pro blogger. And you what do you think of these three step further? Do you have made or are they on your to - do list?