Have you already had wanted to write a suite has an article in another blog? Do you think that this will be seen as a lack of idea or inspiration? On the contrary do you believe that this can strengthen ties you have with the blogger in question?
To discover a way clear and nice to write a series of articles, follow the guide…
First look at this example. Beginning August 2011 I had written an article on the contact page and how improve to make it less empty. I gave a few examples of information to provide and I y presentais also the idea of a frequently asked questions.
After an exchange of comments on the different points of view of the FAQ, Cedric has himself written an article. Its approach has been to bounce on my FAQ idea to propose a section to respond has all mails customers using pre-recorded answers.
Why I show you ca? Because with a single article whose subject has main was even not the FAQ, Cedric bounces and created an original article on a related subject.
So for all those who lack ideas it perhaps a way to start a list of articles from those of others. Conversely, for those who were full of ideas but coming are they have already been dealt with can take a fresh look or give new lighting on a subject published on another blog.
To go further, an idea came to me this WE. Why not step write a series of articles on the same theme with several bloggers? The goal would be that the first blogger post an article on a topic chosen in common and then the second follows with a section on the same subject but different etc.
I think that ca can be an opportunity to strengthen ties in the community of the same domain. Also this would "travel" readers of different blogs between each participant and thus it may discover other blogs.
If you want to participate, would you:
have a blog about blogging, marketing, seo (referencing), effectiveness, motivation, social networks or although you can post articles in these areas, you can post an article in the a three, four days after the previous article, the date participation deadline is Sunday 13/11/2011, from this date a section will be published by a first blogger then it will be followed by the sections of all the other participants (all 3 a) (4 days) until all bloggers have post an article, each article should mention this article (for participation) and the previous section.
And thats all;) Comment so after this article by proposing me an idea of series of articles.