
Google Chrome: 12 extensions I use daily

Saturday all is allowed and me here are of the reveille, on-board infernal sent by friend Thierry of Zinfos in another of these chains. And as I am player and a list of extensions I is not afraid, I am involved and you book in exclusive 12 extensions that I use daily on Google Chrome, my preferred browser.

And who said chain, said sending a large potato hot then forward Cedric, Lionel and Thierry. If you have time on.

AdBlock for Chrome to block all advertisements on all Web pages, even on Facebook and Youtube. Your browser is automatically updated with additions to the filters: simply click on install, visit Web sites to see the ads disappear!

Silver Bird is a real client Twitter reflect has your browser. It can discuss with your followers, of retweeter messages interesting, be warned was the arrival of new Tweets, browse the profile of a user, create short URLs and display the excerpt from the link hidden behind or even view images within the extension even... In short, any Twitter in a simple icon. This extension is probably the best of all!

Handy Google Shortcuts for Chrome is a kind of shortcut to many Google services (48 for the moment). It displays a small icon in the toolbar of Google chromium and allows you to access a your favorite services at a glance...

The auditor extension messages Google displays in icon located in the toolbar of chromium, the number of unread messages in your box receiving Gmail. You have also the possibility to click on the latter to open that same box mail.

The alert system Google Reader extension displays, in icon located in the toolbar of chromium, the number of elements unread on your Google Reader account. Click to open a window pops - up of overview or to open the service in a new tab.

Google reader RSS subscriber is an extension adding a button in the toolbar and allowing one-click to subscribe to the RSS feed for a site to find it on your Google reader.

WiseStamp enables easily and in no time, the creation and customization of dynamic signatures. Indeed, through him, you have now the possibility to add in each of your emails, your last announcement on Ebay, the latest article published on your blog through your RSS feed, your last Tweet and many other things, all automatically.

Firebug is indispensable to the developers and integrateurs extension. Became famous on Firefox and now available in Chrome, it offers the possibility to view the source code of any site, detect various errors and change the style CSS temporarily and in real-time.

Turn Off the Lights allows, as his indicates, to switch off the lights and therefore more precisely to darken the background of a page internet when a video is playing, when an image is displayed on Google or even when you play a flash game.

LastPass is a powerful extension for recording and managing your passwords online. It allows at the same time automatically complete forms, take notes secure and find all your words of passes and IDs from another computer with an account create installation.

Why waste a crazy time was having to click on a photo to enlarge it and see it in original size, and more with the new preview rotten Facebook? Facebook Photo Zoom extension will allow you to fix this in no time by activating effect of zoom on each photo simply passing your mouse pointer.

A simple click on the "Stumble" button and go a the discovery of thousands of websites interesting classes in more than 500 different categories. StumbleUpon is the perfect extension when you are in lack of inspiration or subject for your next article. You can at the same time share your own tickets and discover doing has a huge community.

Eye Dropper is an extension to use the eyedropper on Google Chrome. With it, you can select and discover the code of any color on a Web page.