
Instant WordPress, a WordPress on-site installation or takeaway

Whether you are developer or simply news on WordPress, the stage platform Tester has cross for a local installation are always the same. Installing a server has the help of a software type WampServer, creation of a database and to finish installation of WordPress followed of a configuration. Only one problem, the transport! Indeed, if you want to find your tests at the four corners of the world, the only solution is to start over and then import your settings. Will not really practical, you agree...

While you say a small service for the installation and the export of the WordPress platform on a USB key for example? The idea you please? Say hello a moment WordPress.

Compatible Windows and removable media, Instant WordPress is a complete, portable WordPress development environment and fully autonomous. It integrated its own Apache, Php and MySql servers without any installation and is the prior book auto-configure with content already publishes (sections, pages, comments) allowing you to gain maximum time to test the faster your themes and extensions developed.

Simply install it on the media of your choice to enjoy all the functions of origin integrated in the WordPress CMS and this or that you are and from any computer. You can even install it on the Dropbox online! Rather convenient because in this case the there is more need of support, everything is done remotely...

Perfect for small testers as for major developers, now WordPress will be delight them passionnes CMS of the more famous in the world while adding a large dose of mobility.