
Basic vocabulary you'd have to know if you have a blog

This is an attempt to dictionary for bloggers, with all those words that start with blogs we sound to Chinese and little by little everyone just to use ever.

Who has not opened the mouth in its early days to read phrases as "in the last post on my blog I got a lot of backlinks that I great iran for SEO" can now that her see perfectly normal, but make a little bit of memory and you will see that before it was not so much. In this article will try to add by alphabetical order all the words that directly or indirectly have any relationship with the blogs (at least the most basic). For many of you will be of little use, but we are sure that many of those who start enjoy.

So for all those that you have fear or shame to ask?What is it? or?Does that mean? Here I leave with you this simple diciconario:

404: is the name given to the error at the time that the client cannot communicate with the server as it tries to request a page that is not available. More easy to understand; page not found.ADSENSE: it is the system of advertising by Google through which you can earn income in exchange for integrating ads into your blog.ADWORDS: service also from Google that lets you create your own advertisements to pay to change that others are those that integrate them on their sites.AGGREGATORS: also called RSS readers are used to read information from the RSS feeds of the pages that you choose. It is a way to not miss any article on a website or blog that you like without having to be checked on a daily basis.ALEXA RANK: is the system of classification of websites that takes account of its popularity. It is considering visits users who have installed the alexa toolbar in your browser.ATOM: is an alternative to the RSS format (read below). Another xml used for web redifusion file.BACKLINK: is a link from one website to another, taking into account that they are not of the same domain. They are usually used to mention the source of a used content. Soc of vital importance to the search engine positioning.BANNER: is a graphic that links to another page and is usually used by way of advertising.Blog: term Spanish used to refer to what we know "blog".BLOGGER: can on the one hand mean blogger (a person who has a blog) and on the other hand is the name given to the well-known system of creation and publication of logs.BLOGOSPHERE: global community of blogs.BLOGROLL: set of links to various blogs, normally used to publicize your favorite Web sites.BLOGUICIDIO: Word invented by a server to call the method to end a blog. Try not to use it too can be ridiculous. CAPTCHA: it is a test used to determine whether the user is human or a machine. You will find on many blogs to post comments to prevent automated spam submissions. They are those lyrics which make us copy again and which often cost us read them up to ourselves.CMS: it is a content management system. So this sounds very complicated, but if I tell you that in your case will be possibly WordPress or Blogger, I imagine that you will be more easy.CPC: cost per click. It is one of several types of advertising for blogs. If you use adsense is the number you get when someone clicks on an advertisement. If you use adwors, will be the amount you pay when someone clicks on it.CTR: is the number of clicks received per 100 impressions. A 5% CTR significaria that for every 100 people who have seen the announcement, 5 have clicked in the.DASHBOARD: is the first page that we see after access to Blogger or WordPress. From it we can access the different options of editing and writing for the blog.DOMAIN: it is the name that identifies a web site. We must not confuse it with the hosting or hosting. To buy a domain only you get to the name.FAVICON: upload the look up the address bar. Small cartoon that appears to the left of the address you are visiting, is called favicon. In our case you should see a side project consisting of a b and a p.FOOTER: is the foot of page your blogFEED: is the source which your blog can be redifundido. It is a channel, with a format more simple, allow you to be notified of updates that occur on your site. It is widely used in blogs, newspapers online, etc..HEADER: it is the seat of your blog, the upper part of the same.HOSTING: service hosting for your blog. Allows you to store information on your site, as well as accounts of mail, databases, etc. It is a server connected to the internet with a fixed ip address. Normally on a single server stay several web sites, unless you require one dedicated.HTML: is the language most used when creating web pages.LINK: is a link in text or image that you allow access directly to another website different with a single click.MEME: conversations that pass a blog to another, with which the blog that has started just getting a good amount of backlinks.NICHE: the space of a blog in the blogosphere. Themes, people which is directed. It is advisable to have a well-defined niche before you start your journey as a blogger.PAGERANK (PR): this is the way that used Google for classifying websites according to their importance. It is a value between 0 and 10 numeric (always full). Increasingly less importance is attached to this ranking.PERMALINK: not is very difficult to be deduced from its name that it is a permanent link. Each link will have a permalink, for which will be easy to access them even if they have moved from the main page of your blog.POST: English word each time we use more to refer to one entry, publication, article...RSS: is a format for the syndication of content of pages web or blogs. It is a simple way to insert a web updates (news for example) to another page, to an online reader or to your desktop.SEM: marketing applied to search engines. Formarian part of the SEM SEO (Search Engine Optimization, we will see below), the study of advertising and of all those methods used to give more visibility to your blog using search engines.SEO: the study of the techniques used to optimize a website in order to search engines.SPAM: unwanted commercial information. Whether through e-mails trash, comments without any useful part of promocionarse…TAG CLOUD: it is a tag cloud. The size of the text tends to refer to its importance, major to minor. They are very common in blogs, and with them it is easy to identify the theme more common of these.TAGS: blogs are a type of labels used to that with a click, the user can access all entries containing them. To write a new entry, we cannot fail to several tags on it to facilitate the navigation of the visitor.TEMPLATE: is a way more cool to call a template. In the case of WordPress, will talk about templates to refer to templates that give shape to our blog.TRACKBACK: is a reverse link through which we can know that other sites we link to us. You receive a notice to your blog, from the website that you linked.TROLL: that simpatico character that you attempted to boycott by comments outside of tone, discrediting your work, and caused all the controversy as possible. After a while blogging can you even take them carinus and get them to consider a pet. In addition, the controversial cause tends to be quite beneficial to keep the reader familiar with the conversation.URL: this is the way that has the web to identify and locate a resource that is in it. Come on, the url of your blog will be your address.VLOG: videoblog. What comes to be a blog, but in video. WEBLOG: quick update web page. This is the way that previously used to call blogs.XML: it is a system used for the encoding of information. ATOM or RSS xml files would be.