
Reasons why you should write drunk in your blog

The title of the article is quite clear, I would like to show you several compelling reasons why writing under the influence of alcohol (without pass) can be beneficial to achieve your goals.
First of all, I think that it is necessary to clarify that I have not drunk anything before writing this article. Nor is an incitacion for aprovecheis now for drunk you every time that you have that posting something new with the excuse that just do for the sake of your blog. It is only an experiment that can give you very satisfactory results if what you use for one of your posts, I repeat, one of your posts. Already in passing notice, although I have spoken in male throughout the article, has been for comfort, and also addressed the whole borrachina blogger self-respecting. It is important that before you start the experiment in question, you have not even decided on you're going to write (avoiding all kinds of allusions to your former..).

That being said, here are several reasons why take any copichuela can help you make a quality publication: win creativity: possibly you's to try something new on the blog. Perhaps a change in the typography, some color, whatever.Or perhaps simply a topic that at any time you would have given fear to be treated, either by your ignorance, good for the little relationship with your other publications. You can that you of by creating a content different from the usual, a video, type for example.Audacity alcoholic: have No fear of anything. With a little luck, decidiras test any new social network, either invite your Facebook friends so that all are aware of your alter-ego.You will be more critical: can this be the best time to do a review on any product or service that you liked not. Lose the fear to position yourself and be sufficiently radical as to draw the attention of the reader. When we seek an opinion on a subject on the internet, we do not expect everything to be positive reviews; We want to know the good and bad that has before you decide to pay by the.Te creeras guru for a day: is that… whom not you uploaded the smoke during the dotted... Te creeras best writer, and an expert in the field try in your blog. This pedantic point that tends to convince the readers will be yours for a few hours, you do not waste!Te is in an encyclopedia with legs: as you all know above all. ?Or ever a drunk has admitted not to know something? Complicated that it seems a topic, sure that coup appears as if by magic a plethora of knowledge in your head that far not know you had. Another topic will see if it is true or not… Easy to get what you have inside: by this I mean to your little heart, and not to harm the keyboard by an excess of bebercio… Te abriras more to your readers, let you know more.Lose the shame: it is always good to have that point of insolence that keeps the visitor glued to the screen to find out that you atreviras now. You let the embarrassment at home one day and with it the fear to the ridiculous, for example, in the video that we talked about in the first point.Seras more honest: you will have a very easy to explain what your objectives, your benefits to working with referrals, etc. A very human point that we are sure that you appreciate.Maximum confidence: the greater is the amount of alcohol consumed, more atrativo create a one. The same goes for a blog (although I did not I would happen with the amount...). Creeras being the center of attention, that your blog is the most perfect of all the blogosphere and that there are millions of people wishing to see the genius of your next publication. Advantage gained confidence to transmit it to who you read.

Possibly by the lack of alcohol in my veins, my imagination is no longer give if and do not occur to me more reason to convercerte. If you want to help me complete the list, leave a comment!

Last reminder, I would like to repeat once more that this is not to have an impressive hangover the morning next to writing, just try to achispar a little before your next publication.

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