
How to earn money by writing articles on the internet.

Earn money writing articles is becoming an increasingly popular method, and also increasingly required. In this article we will explain the difference between earning writing articles for himself and earn writing articles for other, illustrating the methods of payment and listing those in Italy requires this service.
Earn money writing articles, actually you can! But you have to make some clarifications. First of all we must distinguish: you can earn money by writing articles for if your site or blog, or you can earn money by writing articles for others. Remuneration can be done in different ways. We see the differences:
-Earn money by writing articles for if
This is the case of all the bloggers or website owners. You write articles relevant to a topic in which you and diligent, focusing a lot on the quality of the content, trying to retain the player. In this case and Google that pays, through AdSense, affiliate program that brings revenue according to the clicks that users make on the banners on the site. The content is valid and interested, and can earn money by writing articles on their sites.

-Earn money by writing articles for other
In this case the service is offered to other writing, writing, we can say, on the Commission. It's what require many Web Agency to their editors, for example, but this type of service you can also now play from home, interacting with those who provide articles via the internet. This is the case of Content Marketplace, i.e. a sort of mediators between the publisher who needs content and buy them from them, and the editor that provides the required content writing from home. In Italy and very famous in this sense,, which allows editors to earn on the internet being paid in words. Another known and, where the basic operating principle and the same.
There and then the case where you can earn money by writing articles for blogs of others, or for blog aggregators, and the salary will be through Google AdSense. This is the case of, a great blog about various topics, each with a special section, and that gets its contents from external author who write for them through the AdSense revenue.

Earn money writing articles can be a great business outlet if you manage more fronts, or otherwise an excellent solution to round if you leave just as a sort of hobby for people who love writing.