
How to optimize images to improve the SEO of your blog

Under this title so complicated is something as simple as we do with the images of our blog to help their positioning in search engines. A few simple tips that provide you a good amount of traffic extra if you use them correctly.

Becoming increasingly is more frequent use Google images search, on the other hand, you do not pay the minor to all that we have in our blog and someone could find somewhere to stop accessing our Web site. Besides, well used, can improve our positioning in the search for text, because the images should be considered as other keywords that would help our positioning. Then we'll see how an image can do more than decorate our blog.

The following tips can both be used to improve the ranking of a blog, a website, or a single article:

Changes the name of the file you have on your pc: this is the point more basic that we must take into account, and that, if still had not applied, more fast will notice. For the seeker, the name "IMG0025.jpeg" says it absolutely nothing. Instead, imagining that he is, for example, a picture of a ball, if we change its name to "soccer ball" the search engine may become the idea of what it will find there. If the theme of the image has little to do with other keywords that page in particular, it is almost better to avoid becoming overly descriptive to not confuse search engines.Uses images related to the theme of the site: this was referring to the previous point. If the name of the image to serve as another keyword to attract visitors to the site, little help us if nothing has to do with it. To put a silly example, in a blog about dogs, avoids putting an image of a skyscraper that will not attract animal lovers...Do put tags ALT: and your diras…?That - is an ALT tag? Let's say it would be what we could read in the event that the image will not be shown. Explained bad seriously as you describiriamos photography or drawing in question to a blind person. Also it is a good source of additional information for the Almighty Google (or other search engine) in his absence. If possible, you should try that the title of the image and its ALT attribute are different, because it's that it complement, and not repeat the same twice.SEO friendly images: If you use WordPress and you already have a good amount of images that aren't optimized, with the help of this plugin it will be. It is always better to do it manually as elegiras exactly that words used in each image, but if it is impossible due to the large amount, this plugin used words of the title to apply to each image.Using images as links: is using images with keywords related to the article to which the link is directed. Said more simple, be sure to link the images to pages that are perfectly related to them. It is understood that I am referring to pages on your site that you want to optimize.The size of the image: this aspect is very important, and not only refers to the final size of the image in the publication. Before you upload it to the blog, the image should now be the correct size, since but, although her do more small a time in the article, its "weight" will remain the initial. It must be taken into account that the loading time of the page is another factor which we must bear in mind, and not just for the seo.Hosting the image on your own server: believe that "save space" using an image that is loaded from another blog or website, always will have more value a image hosted on your own.Uses a legend to the image: If you work with Wordpress, of form, fast can do so from the same site in which you insertaras ALT tags and elegiras the location of the same. Although it is not as important as the title or tags, never this of most use a descriptive legend just below.Photography or drawing format: Although personally yet I have not posido check on several occasions I have read that there is a better consideration towards format images *.jpg or *.bmp before others, as for example *.png.You do not pass with the images: unless you have a photo blog or similar, it is not recommended that more than 25% of your site is graphic. Abuse of graphics in comparison with the amount of text can damage your site more than help you, so you know, uses images, but that always prevails the text.