
Why diminish users in Google +?

The phenomenon with G + continues to be curious. An initial explosion that led to the 25 million users and seemed going to eat all the social networks in a short time to the current situation in which it is giving a very strong visits drop.

Premiere Google + in the last week of June as a closed beta and, according to ComScore data during the month of July, experienced explosive growth reaching 25 million visitors during the first month of operation.

During the week ended July 16 reached a peak of weekly visits with 1.860.000 visits in the USA. But from there the number of visitors began to decline. The next week fell 3% to 1,790,000 visits. And the decay process continues until the last week (which just August 27) a minimum of 1.160.000 weekly visits.

But the bad news for G + is not just that the number of visits lower, because either the time average invested in each visit improves, according to data from Experian Hitwise. And is that the peak of time spent per visit (in USA) and reaching the week that just 16 July with an average of 5 minutes and 56 seconds, which is a time of very low for a visit to a normal network. But, is that since the data not only has not improved but has worsened, in a way that week past the average under 5 minutes 47 seconds.

Considering these data must take into account several things:

Data refer to the USA. They are therefore very significant and representative data. But they are not mechanical extrapolated to the rest of the world.USED, besides, in the northern hemisphere, which means that they are data from the heart of the summer, when there are more people in summer and when Internet in general suffers a downturn in its use.The type of user that formed the first generation of G + is peculiar. They are people from the world of computing (seos, webmaster, designers, etc.), which most in-depth its functioning knowledge integrated into a social network they are looking for is to then apply it to their work. Therefore once have acquired some knowledge of the network, are no longer motivated to make frequent or long visits.
ASI and the target data is clear: the number of users has declined. But be wanting yet explain the reason for this drop:?Do for that decreases the number of users in G +?Is which your major weakness?

In principle, to understand this fall, would not have confused the closed, with the application open and final beta. And it is to until that do not open all the most try not to approach. But obviously G + not be opened until this completed its main parts. And Google is missing a key component: lacks it a component capable of structuring groups.And there is a second confusion especially destructive: the confusion between the circles of G + and groups. The circles of G + serve for structuring perfectly the privacy of our data, and at that level is second to none. But it is no use for structuring groups homogeneous in their interests.
An example: imagine that I am fond of the medieval role. Besides, I have located many people who are interested in the medieval role and I grouped together them in a circle is called "medieval role". But this circle is not a group of medieval role. And that is why when I charge the news of the members of this circle, your stream will try everything, and a little medieval role-playing in a totum revolutom. And also the members of my group are not aware of belonging to a group. In fact not know of the existence of that group.The consequences of the absence of real groups are catastrophic in the use of G +. The estream is a mixture of everything which is dominated by issues that interests us nothing. And the dialog boxes tend to be closed to people who casually passed by there and which are not usually that more they interest us. In a framework so it is difficult users being driven to use often G +.Therefore, for development authentic G + is essential to the possibility of creating groups, with an owner, and they may be public or private. And in this regard is not a bad start clone groups operating in Linkedin.Otra possibility is that what is calling pages of company, whether pages no personal generic that are cores of groups with different levels of management (owners, moderators, users registrados…) and membership.