1. Start with a question:?By that we return to sites on the Internet? And the answer in 95% of cases would be always the same: because the site in question has a content that interests us. From there you can draw conclusions about which is what we have to do to get many visitors and keep them.
2. The key to position a website is the content. Why a web without quality content, interesting, useful or original, hardly can reach position well. Therefore, if you want to monetize your website, first thing is thinking about the content.
3. Fundamental Council: when writing for a website or a blog, never do so seeking the position it, do it thinking about the quality and usefulness of what he writes, and the other is hara by anadidura.
4. A good method of working is to write the article without thinking about anything more than at the item and once complete it give a review to adapt it the most possible requirements SEO (for example, the subject of keywords, see point 9).
5. Never publish content copied, is the best way of not positioning and accumulate negative data from search engines. And don't think not slightly changing the words of the copied content going to fool the search engine, because it is almost certain that not the enganara.
6. At the time of deciding the issue of each entry, think of the quality (and to tell truisms, better change the subject) and think of the utility (think about what you know and others may need to know). Finally keep a day in the topics on which writes, and see which are the latest trends in this respect.
7. In general is much more easy positioning an article monografico, a themed concreto(lo_mas_concreto_posible), that an article on generic topics. For example, is more easy positioning an article on "the influence of alcohol in road accidents made in Spain" as above "the accident of traffic".
8 Use a natural language, the more close to her everyday way of speaking. Do not use words or phrases rare or gimmicky. Be sure to use short sentences, which not repeated previous concepts. The paragraphs should also be short and with a new concept and most simple possible.
9. The complex ideas, should be divided into simple ideas and organize them in short sentences and short paragraphs. One of the best ways to do that and deal with a complex issue is how this writing this article, with listed points.
10 Decide the theme of the web and not leave. You can write a personal blog and in the can write about the first thing that comes to mind. But a web professional or company has to stay within a defined topic and not out of it.
11. The title of each entry is essential. It is the title which leads to the majority of readers interested in the content, and therefore do not put a title as the thousands who are on the subject, and enter an element that can hook the reader. For example, the title of this article seems very obvious, but it has a hook: starts saying "10 consejos…". Both the number (evokes specific things and not abstractions), as the word "tips" (in English "tips") that also evokes something that we can use specifically.
12. Prior to the publication of a text, review thoroughly the spelling and syntax. Use the dictionary and a dictionary of doubts ortograficas. And review not only the spelling, but also the syntax. Avoid also the repetition of the same word in the same paragraph or sustituyelas by synonyms. Remember that spelling and syntax are data that increasingly valued more search engines and especially Google.
13. Add at the end a "Sources" entry, where there is references and/or links. Them relates the sources in which it has inspired, it is also very important that document given claims. If you for example that the number of accidents automovilisticos in Spain in 2010 given a specific figure, you have to indicate where appropriate the figure and how to find her.
14 Add links to other blog and sites if same not positioned, but this often is grateful for the owner of that other site with links to our pages, and that if positioned. Much to cite and be generous with the links and the other will be generous with you.
15. All entry must be related to from the beginning with a keyword (and in the worst cases not more than 2 or 3 keywords) or a key phrase, that are with respect to which is to position the item. Care should be taken also, not only that the article should focus on them, but that also these keywords appear in these places:
Title. In the body of the article: seeking to appear in a natural manner throughout the text and not forcing his appearance. If a word repeated a way abnormally high can count against him in the search engines.Sources (see point 6).In the event of a blog, on the labels.The goal of the page
16 Write a summary of the article the size of a tweets (140 characters), which can be used as META, as RSS summary and a summary on the blog that use in the home page.
17. The ideal would be that this summary should be the first paragraph of the article. But if not possible to use it directly, then we have to enter it with changes. But the important thing is to keep in mind that the first paragraph of an entry should be a summary of all the article and motivating to read complete entry.
18. Create an internal structure of the article. Organicelo in topics and subtopics (and if necessary sub-items of sub-items). And if possible is very positive to use subtitles for sub-items, using to create the same criteria as for the titles (point 6). And then, with subtitles, if you are using H1 tags for the title, use H2 for subtitle them and so forth.
19 Choose significant images and more possible related to the subject of the article. The image can be an attractive more for the reader. And if possible, that these images add something to the article or stresses it. Use the imagination and the irony. And then remember that also the images are copyrighted. And for the search engines do not forget to add content to "alt" tag of the image (img). Remember that images and videos are part of the content.
20. Content positioning, but positioned much better if the content is renewed at intervals the shorter possible, therefore, to position the ideal in terms of the content is a blog that nightingales articles with some frequency. A frequency optima is from three news a week. So when a company website has content that does not change would be good that that company created a blog.