
LinkBuilding: How to perfect comment on other blogs

As far as SEO is concerned, few things are as important as the quantity and quality of inbound links to our site. One of the methods used to achieve this type of links, is leaving comments on other sites. According to whatever our modus operandi when leaving comments, quite possibly we will have found that they have deleted any of them, or they have not had the acceptance that thought. It must be taken into account, leave a simple constructive comment on another blog, to make spam to promote our own, only a step.

We must be very careful to ensure that the fact of commenting on articles of our niche are found in other logs does not become a weapon against ourselves. We must bear in mind the image of your site is at stake each time that you leave your opinion or comment on a topic on the blogosphere. The link you leave, not going to serve only for the seo of your space, but it also, if you do it correctly, it provoked that you people that read have the article is desvien to your blog the quality of the lines that you have made previously.

Before proceeding, and seeing that I'm using several words that can any of you unaware, I leave a link to an article that I wrote with the words you should know about blogs. Now if, bearing in mind that you do not sound like Chinese than I am talking about, leave you a few tips Basic you should keep in mind when leaving comments on other blogs with the intention of linking to your own.

Monitors topic: before you leave a comment with a link to an article yours (or all your blog if you see relevant) keep in mind that the topic should be the same. No you serve anything put a link of your blog in Astrophysics in a blog about how you should feed your pet, for instance. On the one hand, possibly the author of the blog deleted your comment spam activity, and, on the other hand, in case that does not do so, in the face to the search for excellence, the importance of this link will be 0.Relevancia: your comment must be relevant in any aspect of the subject matter of the article you mention. Do not limit yourself to "good article" or "very useful, I loved" and then a link to your site.Uses your name: does not have to be your real name if in your blog you did not specify, but if, as a minimum, the name of your brand. Would not have any sense to say something under a generic name and it can be "food animal" following the theme of the previous example.Spelling: make some lack motorhead of considerable size can make you lose all credibility on an issue, but you had reason about what said. You must read twice before posting a comment that, unlike when you do on your blog, from there you can not delete it.Asked something to the author of the post: thus, conseguiras draw your attention and once have responded you, conseguiras more visibility in the face to the other readers. Besides, it's a good way to demonstrate your interest on the subject and get you link even if it is the first time you visit this blog.Cares for the amount of comments: preferably, leave your comment on articles that don't have several hundred of them. ?By who? Firstly, if you want your link to have any relevance in the face to the search engine, not the conseguiras from a page that it has 50 or 60 links more part of yours, and, besides, the expensive visibility to the public comment will be null. So, if you doubt about leaving your comment in a post that has 5 and one which has 30, you know that you decide. Avoid topics: there are phrases that are more than seen in comments, especially because they have been used as methods of spam on countless occasions. A few examples of this… "Great article!" Please visit my blog about… "or"Very good"comes here, you interested in it...". At least, do not do this kind of comments unless the author of the blog you already know, because, but possibly clear you them. Create an article response: have something important to say that some way discuss or offset to the article that you interested cometar? Write your own and use a trackback (see again the article vocabulary for bloggers) to answer it. Where the blog in question does not accept trackbacks, you can always write your article anyway, and leave a link explaining in the comments. Use a gravatar: the image that will be sure much more good if they can associate graphically to something. The mysterious man of WordPress does not you will be of particular help to achieve your mission. If you do not know how to get an own gravatar or as you modify the default on your blog, it interested you read "how to change the default Gravatar in WordPress icon".

Not just conseguiras your comment call more attention, but they also win lots of professionalism in the face of possible visitors.?The blog uses "nofollow"?: in many cases, the links posted in comments are nofollow attribute. This means that in the face to the search engine there is no, they must pass them. Even so, nor do you recommend go watching closely if the blog to which you will leave the comment or not this attribute, which, while not looking to seo, a comment on another blog can always serve as a gateway so that others know your site. Also, can that a blog in which you comment for some time pass to use a "dofollow" attribute, to encourage others to comment. Then, that link you left long ago were to become of the most useful. My advice would be that, without taking this into account, says provided that you have something useful to say.Read before you comment: If you don't you can try to contribute something of value that really already had provided the author of the publication, either try to "discuss" something that was already clear. Not you guides for titles and reads well before you leave your comment, that if you do not, the image which you leave may be disastrous for your interests.
I think this is going to be enough. If you think that I've forgotten something important that we should take into account before commenting on another blog, not you cuts, follow the guidelines and let me your comments!