
Gadget for your blog with which to make photos to readers

If I know minimally you know that I am not too friendly to gadgets, widgets and plugins useless to a blog, but this case was worthy of mention (at least me it seemed). With this gadget dispondreis of a space in your logs to anyone who wants to be you can take a photograph, and not anyone, always you can gossip that have made others. It is a curious way of putting an end to the readers of your site, and, while not going to spend a space in the sidebar, that less than a small post.

To begin with, so if you use WordPress as if we use Blogger, we need the html of this curious object code. So...

The first thing we do is go to the website of Trombiblog and register. A problem that can be found by accessing for the first time is that the page is in French. We can change it to English using the flag in the upper right corner of the page. Of Spanish na na.

Once registered and access to the web for the first time we are several configuration options (and the code to copy to the top of the page). Will be as simple as deciding that phrase used to call the attention of the improvised photographer, and the colors of the aparatejo, as well as if we receive an email every time that you take a new picture, if we allow comments, etc..

Voluntarily request you the address of your blog or website, a link is an enlace…

We are going to the Control Panel of our blog - > design - > elements of Page - > add a gadget > HTML/Javascript and once there there paste the code that we copied earlier.

From our blog desktop access to appearance - > Widgets - > text (arrastrandolo towards the area where we want to integrate the camera) and once there paste the code that we have obtained in TrombiBlog.

I believe that only I can say that this widget will always show an image of the last person that the photo has been taken. Now that we know how to do it, you are free to decide whether you really need this gadget in your blog, or if it is not going to do more to remove professionalism to the site.

Here's a sample of what it would be. If someone wants to do a photo to prove the invention, who feels free to do so.

As always say that any comments will be welcome, and only ask that if you liked this article, the compartais with your contacts by the range of social networks below.