More and more people wish to earn money on the internet, I do not know you but there is a huge rush lately, especially in the field of blogging. The problem is that these beginners want to go too fast and quickly forget a few rules of bases which pushes right in a field of nettles affectionately by a troop of wolves guard starved.
If attacking a competitive niche is already not easy when one a few years of the internet behind self, but if bonus it just landed in this medium there is a risk to have hot, very hot!
Recently I saw a beginner blogger to tackle the area of the poker, you need to know that in the gambling commissions may reach the €200! Allechant not? But who said big commission (this is not a game of Word!) also said big competition. And this is not the kind of competition to which it has rubbed the. And the this is not David but Goliath who owns the fronde thus attack you less competitive theme. Poker agree it is your passion, but passion knows its limits, especially on the internet.
The, I am always surprised by the choice of some debutants. A extension domain names compounds of several key words, with dashes and some times of the accents… From a point of view referencing a domain name with or without key words it is the same or even therefore made simple, parasitez not your business!
Would you be able to buy clothes of mark on shop-in-line-of - garment .com? For my part- and it is normal, the credibility of the shop is a harsh competition with such domain name, and even if it is serious, that it delivers time and time, etc. is put not the lesser note.
You know without doubt reputable, online shops without even talk of cdiscount, amazon and other behemoths of the walk, there are also smaller shops that are and have a reputation has any test and who possess the original DDS that inspire confidence. Take, for example, MDstore, the name is original and when I want to buy myself a polo or pants I file directly on it. In addition to the gain of confidence is easy engage!
As I explained in this article I prefer use the names of domains with two key words on average for niche sites, including in my porn network or directly, I would like to indicate a my visitors what site talking about. This is not a SEO choice but a choice technical to more easily attract the visitor. But the porn is an area of impulsive, ca is different even if in practice ca applies also to the mainstream.
As we all know, less there are outbound links on a web site better and this is why I constantly recommend entries in directories which do not BL require in return.
When you perform an exchange of links, be sure to do so in an identical or close theme of your as a point of view referencement ca does not heavy pesera, try at least to attract visitors to your partner with a catchy anchor. But if possible do trade cross to draw up the weight of the link.
By following this schema your link will have more weight if you are a reciprocal exchange, what is logical.
Limit the number of exchanges of links, because as I say above less this you have outbound links better it will be. Of course a very big blog can afford more than a blog that has just born, be so natural and do not try to go too fast.
And well I am a little nearly all betises that it was possible to do, that this is tens of links in footer returns, exchanges cross to review entries in directories completely duplicate, a extension... NDD
When lance I there was not yet as many media dedicated to the debutants, was to be only cope and it is through our mistakes that you will be able to do, avoid therefore enjoy in!
Do not start on the web at random at the risk of ending up with an unusable blog. Take your time, learning can take a lot of time, but once you have earned a certain experience you go much faster and earn money on the internet you rsidence much less complicated.