
6 Google Chrome extensions to improve your searches on Google

Google Chrome, famous competitor of Firefox, the thousands of extensions in any integrated browser and serious kind and often very practical. So today I decided to help you, you passionnes of the Google search engine, offering 6 extensions for improving the results of your research.

In passing, for those of you who do not yet know Google (probably impossible but you never know), here is a brief description: forget Bing, Yahoo,...

What is Google?
Google Inc. (pronounced [gu? g? l]) is a society based on September 4, 1998 in Silicon Valley, California, by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, creators of the search engine Google. The company is primarily known through the monopoly status of its search engine, competition historically by AltaVista and Yahoo!, and Bing, but also by some of its representative, such as Google Earth software. Google gives as mission is "to organize the information a world scale and make it universally accessible and useful"...

Learn +

Google Quick Scroll is an extension that helps you to more quickly find what you are looking for on Google. When you click on a result to search Google, Google Quick Scroll appears in the lower right of the page corner to display one or more extracts of the content of a page related to your search. Click on one of these passages to the corresponding section.

Install Google Quick Scroll

Through the Google Image Preview extension, you will be able to enlarge, has the help of your mouse, the images displayed in the Google results. When the mouse passes over a thumbnail, it is available in its original size in a tooltip. When the mouse out of the scope of the thumbnail, this tooltip disappears, simply.

Install Google Image Preview

The Search Preview extension adds, on the left, the outlines of the different sites posters in Google search results. More need to click on the site in question to know at a glance and without passing the mouse over it, what it looks like and what it contains.

Install Search Preview

The extension of research Woolik for Google adds the logos of the best sites and major brands to search results. You can easily identify the familiar sites using the Google search. The extension supports the best sites and brands from around the world, including the 1000 Web sites the most popular in countries like the United States, the Germany, the United Kingdom, the Argentina, the Russia, the Canada, the Australia, the India, the Mexico, the Spain, the Chile, Brazil, the France, Indonesia, Nigeria, the Poland, Israel, the Turkey, the China and the Philippines (+ 20,000 logos).

Install Woolik

Search by Image extension allows you to search Google using any image on the web. When you search by image, you will see the corresponding results has this image and similar images. You can see the Web pages containing the image sought to find a similar in different sizes.

Install Search by Image

With the Personal Blocklist extension, you will fill block (or provide) any any site in the results of your Google searches. Finished both unnecessary and place now while research a more adapted has your expectations. In addition to facilitate your research, Personal Blocklist will communicate a Google your data recorded to improve future results of your preferred search engine.

Install Personal Blocklist

And you, what the extensions that you use to improve your searches on Google?