
Twitter began making a political advertising

Throughout the known service mikroblogov Twitter innovation: he became engaged in the proliferation of political advertising. It stands out against the standard tvittov, as indicated by the purple icon.

Appears to be advertising using the "tvittov" and "funny funny" accounts, as well as displayed in the search that gives you 100% assurance that its notice, each user of the service.

As reported by Adam Bain, a sales manager, five candidates to the President of the United States had already benefited from this innovation. The first was Mitt Romney. Adam Bain explained this novelty, however, that most politicians and so has mikroblogami to popularize his political activities, in connection with this management system has taken such a decision.

Since advertising was introduced quite recently, the period of testing, so it is not for heavy use, but only to a limited circle of persons – candidates and representatives of the national party committees of the United States. If advertising will bear fruit, in the near future, it becomes available for other politicians. Its value will be determined by the auction system, this is the Twitter management decision.

Head of Division, engaged in political advertising, Peter Grinberger, was appointed to deal with this kind of activity in Google.