
Is your title tag optimized for Google?

There are a lot of bloggers out there that shy away from search engine optimization (SEO).
Are you one of them?
I’m here to walk you through the fundamentals of SEO and provide feedback as you improve your blog — something most SEO professionals charge hundreds or even thousands for!
We’re going to be talking about one specific topic per week, so you’ll have a chance to follow along and improve the SEO of your blog one area at a time.
Let’s kick it off by focusing on the title tag of your blog.
The title tag of your blog is usually one of the first pieces of information a crawler evaluates. Similar to the way humans look to the title of a non-fiction book, a crawler looks to the title of a web page to learn what the page is about.
Crawlers still trust this piece of information because unlike meta-keywords (a section abused by web publishers), this tag appears on the actual web page, providing not only the crawler with that piece of information, but the human visitor as well.
You can find it either above the address bar, within the tab of your web browser, or both depending on which you use.
Now that you know where the this tag appears on your actual blog, you know where to look as you make changes.
If you’re using WordPress, you can make these changes by accessing the settings area in admin. If you’ve just started your blog, or you’ve yet to install any SEO plugins, then you’ll make these changes using the “General” tab, as seen below.
If you’ve installed All In One SEO, then you’ll make these changes in the “All in One SEO” tab under Settings, as seen below.
Once you make your changes, you’ll see them reflected not only on your blog, but in the code of your blog as well (this is what search engine crawlers see).
Before you can optimize this tag, you need to decide what you want to achieve with your title.
There are three essential things you can achieve:
Attract and convince the human visitor to invest more time on your blog.Tell the search engine crawlers what your blog is aboutBrand your blog
So which do you want to achieve?
As mentioned, the title of your blog is much like the title of a non-fiction book … it attracts potential readers and convinces them to click, tap, and read your content, so do you want to compel your visitors to spend more time on your blog and possible turn into subscribers?
Would you rather focus on search engine crawlers by inserting a few relevant keywords in effort to rank well in your niche?
Or do you want to focus solely on the name of your blog in effort to brand?
How you approach your title tag is up to you, but knowing what you want to achieve with your approach is key.
What if you could achieve all three at the same time?
If you’re interested in receiving some free feedback from, let us know which of the three goals you want to achieve and post a link to your blog. We’ll take a look at it and give you some advice.
Again, I’m going to be walking you through the optimization process, so we’ll touch on one topic per week and I’ll provide as much feedback as humanly possible. It may take me a while, but I promise to read and answer every comment.