Question search engine optimization is paramount for any webmaster.
For starters you need to define search queries for your site, i.e., those words for which users will find your site in search engines. In selecting these requests need to be taken seriously, because this will determine the success of the site in the future.
These requests should fully reflect the main idea of the site. This is the basic rule of this phase of optimization.
Be sure to check the chosen search queries with the statistics of search engines.
Choose requests with an average frequency, because the high-frequency queries your site probably won't survive the competition with the more famous projects, and too low-frequency queries by themselves are not able to produce results because of its small popularity.
In order to successfully move site, you need to continuously review its not from a position of webmaster, and from the perspective of the average user, it should be interesting first of all, ordinary people.
If you do not have the appropriate skills, the need to hire for professional site promotion specialist, with consideration to its selection need very responsibly, in no case save on its services.