
Create an online store

Search engine type in the names of the sites of your competitors in your positions and carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of their sites.

Type the names of your products in the search engine menu, most likely in the first field will be links to online stores, leading to your request, once again thoroughly explore all the disadvantages and advantages.

Try to stay a customer online store, perform all the steps of registration prior to the acquisition of goods, i.e. where the product is in your cart.

Their studies try to describe in more detail, including all the advantages and disadvantages that can be, and send your review in web Studio that developers can easily estimate the budget and time.

In the absence of your products at online stores or their relatively few, it is likely that the products are not in demand on the Internet and should make the order analysis of its market segment by specialists on the Internet.

Calculate with specialists from web Studio all expenses for the development and promotion of Internet-shop. Based on all data collected by you, you can calculate the average visitors to your store and the profitability of the project.