
Choosing a good title for your blog posts

The title of the articles is very important, why?, because it is the first thing we see. If you are a good title will invite us to read the entire article, we draw attention and we 'force' to continue reading. You would not call you the same attention if I know I say blog Mario games if it is a "blog with the best Mario games of 2012"? In this article I will try to give some brief tips for getting noticed and increase your search engine positioning by the title of your blog or entries.

Strong and effective

To create a good title has to be forceful and effective. Not skirting the issue that we talk too much or overdo article explaining which we write. To do this we must look for a key to the title, not just put us first thing on your mind.

An example is an article intended to explain the development of a theme (template) for WordPress:

  • Making a theme for WordPress
  • We explain the steps to make a theme for WordPress
  • Guidance on how to make a theme for WordPress

Hence the be blunt , explaining briefly the topic and not enrollandonos in the title, making it long and boring to read.


A title must be descriptive, and be related to the article that we write. When we talk about a particular topic we mention in the first place , because if I am interested in reading articles related to (say) WordPress, and I'm looking at the web quickly, look for the word in particular take me to the topic you want reading, in this case WordPress. In this other case if we talk about the new social network, Google +, a good example would be:
  • Google plus, the new Google social network.
  • Birth of new innovative and creative social network, Google plus.

Well written

Something that, at least to me, it bothers me enough are spelling mistakes, failures props or things like that. For example, a title that begins with lowercase, with spaces where there should be any, or accents in places that do not match. A good title should be written with correct spelling, if you do not remember a word better or simply not know, it's always good to look in the dictionary, as to make the effort (although it sounds funny) you will be more difficult to forget.

With questions or exclamations

In some articles (not all) is always good to add a question or exclamation, as tempted to enter into debate on a subject, and of course, whenever we speak of discussion we talk about users and comment, and that generates more traffic, diversity of opinion and of course, fun. It's always fun to get into a debate as long as you adhere to the rules of behavior (lack of respect, serious insults or slights). Some examples:

  • New changes in WordPress 3.3! (In this case draws our attention to the importance of changes in this version)
  • Why not have as many users Bing? (In another intriguing to know the 'cause' and leave our comment explaining)

In conclusion, a title is the first thing we see, which invites us to enter and read the whole story. What we are invited to come and discuss our opinion. Come on, what strikes us the article written.

And you, do you have a special trick to write your titles?