
How to detect errors in the link building strategy of a blog

When we build links and we have no real planning, you can get good results, but can also occur if you realize that things are not going well and that possibly there is something that needs implementaste be modified or changed . How to detect faults after having started my link building strategy? What I can do to get the results you expect?
Let us then we should do, if we have time, to correct some flaws, optimize our strategy of link building bad karma and save hundreds of dollars to throw away.
  • Remake a keyword research: It is vital again perform keyword research and be as accurate as we can. We can not skip this step because this depends the whole SEO process. If for example you have a blog on Badoo , make sure your keywords are related to the topic and that still have the same searches that when implementaste, which has not been something of a fad.
  • Let's review the strategy: It is possible that we were implementing the strategy was good but the keywords we were using were not as appropriate. Things do not change overnight but it is likely that we were flying a step as important as having on hand a precise investigation of the "keywords" or keywords that are needed to work on optimizing our website.
  • Meta Tags Review: The optimization of the website is highly relevant, especially in the Meta Tags that are essential for search engines to index your website.
  • Modify the links: Most article directories allow you to modify the content of articles and so you can easily edit and send links to those keywords that really work for your website.
In the process of link building there are many elements that can be audited to correct and seek to optimize them. In regard to SEO , it requires that we make a good keyword research that allows us to identify not only those words highly profitable, but those that are more appropriate for the type of website we are handling. I hope these tips get correct old errors in your link building strategy.
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