
Writing for the web. Plant content, collect the results.

The positioning of a website contributes at least 50% of his success (the other 50% and the capacity of the site to convert visitors into customers) and then one of the activities in which it is more advisable to invest in the long term. If well managed, the positioning and long-lasting and once gained a good position in the query engine and can benefit from it.

Summary of the article:
Writing content for the web and (and sara) more and more important for the positioning of web sites to which, if you are not able to write effective lyrics, entrusted as soon as possible the contents of your site to anyone able to manage in the best possible way. Between the 4 main factors (Trust the site, content, Backlinks and penalties) the importance of writing content for the web is constantly increasing and is one of the benchmarks upon which it can invest without risking damage to your site with techniques that not only can not bring the desired results but, aime, also cause penalties or ban.
We've recently followed an interesting webinar held by Henry Madrigrano who had two goals:

make a point about how you and evolved the importance attributed by Google to the 4 main factors; indicate which could be the evolution of its standards and therefore the direction we should take to welfare of its website;
Through this article we will try to share what we have learned with you.
Get a good ranking on search engines, and probably the first lens to anyone think of the web as a source of commercial results. Although in my opinion not only in placement on Google that you have to invest (has in fact also have a website that gets results and that, and then be able to convert visitors into customers) or be the first in the first positions takes us at least half of the work.

Mothers, company leader in search engine positioning and SEO training, has followed the evolutionary path of the 4 main factors by highlighting the weight that the search engines have attributed to them, from their birth until today.

Despite Google counts more than 200 parameters to define the value of a website many of these are marginal and influence the result of SERP. This time we focus, to the delight of supporters of Pareto, that 2% of the factors that lead to our site the 80% of results.

The four main criteria that contribute to define how a website ranks on search engines are:

Trust site
Historical depends on factors such as domain age and updating content, but also on other factors, such as the lack of links to spam sites or trusted site or presence in the major web directories (Dmoz in particular).Link popularity
The incoming link, that is, all those links that come from other sites, better if semantic area for apparteneneti you want to place on search engines. Search engines see the link to a site to another as a "preference vote" and then attach great importance to the link, often much more than is given to them by the same users who create them.
The sensational increase of penalty cases and was without doubt the most interesting discovery. Unlike what happened days ago Mothers reported that much easier today and incurring penalties and much more complicated to get out of it.Site content
Have effective means to have content on your website articles relevant to a particular key and especially the area semantics for which you want to place your site on Google and search engines. Today write "Development web sites" or "construction" websites not yet exactly the same thing but helps to improve the perception that Google has of what we do and the results its users can be found on our website.The war fighting search engines and undoubtedly against spam. As we all want to be first on search engines and many play dirty trying to get placement through techniques that distort the organic results through spam, aggregations sites, cloacking black hat techniques. The penalties are increased incredibly and if years ago the case of the ban of BMW had aroused the outcry and more and more frequently run into problems also for behaviors not deliberately wrong or delict.

The content in the web continue to reign and write effective web content will be always positive: for this we have created the service Effective Texts and then decided to create a site dedicated to this new specialization. Writing texts for web or translating texts written by our customers, making them more clear and interpretable by the search engines can help place their websites in a natural way or giving to those who perform a search on the web the best response possible.

But not only, effective and much more. Through persuasive content editing and creation of landing pages we can engrave on the remaining 50% of the success factors of a site, significantly improving the percentage of users who contact or request more information about your products and services.