Apparently the female world and managed to capture a portion of reality that is generally attributed to men: the web. And there are successful with the phenomenon of women bloggers, in continuous expansion, which allowed them to create real business in which they become unbeatable. Women bloggers write about many topics they know perfectly and know how to make them popular: Let's see together what are the categories of women bloggers more widespread.
As the daily Republic mentions in his article the army of women bloggers, "if not yet created in newsrooms of newspapers, it seems that the equality between the sexes--at least in the US and in numeric terms-is true on the web and particularly in the area of blogging".
Oh yes, apparently the female world is slowly conquering the web, starting from the field of blogging and everything that revolves around. More and more are women bloggers who manage to make this business a real business. The categories of women bloggers are manifold:
-Women Bloggers: Moms
What started in the Usa is called the phenomenon of Mommyblogging. The Republic according to Forrester Research, one of the leading research institutes and marketing in the United States, revealed that among American adults to mothers with children under the age of 18 years and the Group of women bloggers the most numerous of the web: represents 15 percent of the total compared to a 12 per cent of rest of adults. A very famous in Italy and Moms in the network that serves some real thematic Portal
-Women Bloggers: fashion
The phenomenon of Fashion Bloggers is depopulated in Italy in truth. Women bloggers who make fashion their strong point, not only to achieve success for their blog, but becoming their own icons of style and taking part in various events of fashion; all thanks to the success of their blog and the number of their folloewrs. A name known to this effect on the Italian scene and Chiara Ferragni in his blog The Blonde Salad
-Women Bloggers: craft
Another trend launched overseas that here in Italy and particularly enjoyed among women bloggers and to share their hobby in the field of crafts and in some cases succeeding through a blog to put up real brands with sales lines. Decoupage, jewels, works, crocheted … handcrafted soaps techniques that are shared on the network are many and various fields. The first in Italy to move in this direction are the creators of the blog now and become a real site.
What women bloggers however and a phenomenon born in Usa, and from them we can take the best ideas or have updated news to bring forward a blog. Two reference sites are Women Bloggers attending BlogHer and virtual meeting places between women bloggers of every industry with news, updates and strategies for the engagement of blogging.
What can I say ...women bloggers around the world unite!