A series as mythical as the Simpsons no doubt had to bring some hidden content that we were going to be of assistance to improve our blog. After a tedious study, finally I have managed decipher that tips give the Simpsons in a subliminal way and that we are sure they will make you get more out of your blog. To make it easier to understand the "tips" are separated according to that character in the animated series would give you us.
While it may seem a publication in "messing", if you leave aside the eccentric presentation, these tips can help you to make the most of your blog. So... Let us begin!
Lisa Simpson
I know constant: no matter if you write 2 articles a day or if you write one only every 7 days, but keep the pace. In this way, you not only facilitaras the search engine robots work, but that you also mostraras to that frequency should go your regular readers (who do not use RSS reader) to your blog.
Studied before writing: before writing on any topic, it is important that you know well, so, although it sounds paradogico, how much better want to write, most need to read first. There is nothing that can give you a worse image than an incorrect content or without basis.
Plan your work: before writing you should know about what are you going to do, and how you will do it. It is very unprofessional to let your readers with a lot of information placed such which was happening to you. Create schemas (albeit only in your head) about how you want to end up being this article in your blog.
The content is King: the most important thing that you have in mind to improve your blog, is the topic among the topics. If you don't have quality content, nothing will serve everything you read in this page. And it must not only be good, but they must also be unique!
Bart Simpson
Controversy creates – without damaging your brand image, of course, gives talk about people. This produces a number of valuable comments on your site and an effect of Word of mouth in social networks that will make you to considerably increase traffic to your site.
I know a little bit badass: an aggressive title for an article called more attention than one that it is not. A taboo word, for example, will create the need to enter the readers to see how continues the theme. Although this resource should not be used on a regular basis, if it is known to use the correct dosage, can bear fruit very fast.
Accelerates: If your blog is too slow when loading its pages, possibly half of the potential readers will leave before starting to read. To not dwell much on this point, I leave you a few tricks to make your blog load faster.
I know zamanfou: above all to the bad reviews. Not feed them. If there is no right way to respond to them, it simply happens.
Homer Simpson
Know natural: you must let you know how in truth you are, and only in this way manage to get to 100% with your readers. You must not attempt to look like a "know-it-all", you caeras better citing your sources that making believe (or trying) you know all that amount of data in memory.
Gets your point of Madness: will that little bit out of the ordinary, make the reader feel "hooked" somehow to your blog, waiting for what will surprise you the next time. As with the macarrismo, he dosed madness to avoid getting the opposite effect. Humpback you Flanders!
Don't miss the hunger: here have done something of traps that the phrase is metaphoric sense. I mean you get never tired of improving. If you think that you've already done it sufficiently well, you never know where you could have arrived.
Marge Bouvier
Take time: If you really want to improve your blog, you should spend a good time and take care of it as if it were your baby. Not everything is writing on the blog, you also have to bear in mind keep a design in keeping with the theme, and enjoyable for anyone to come visit.
Keep your desktop tidy: when I say desktop I am referring to your workspace. You seem silly, but distract you while you write you will take to make many mistakes still attentive you have not done.
Ned Flanders
Ten faith in yourself: loses the fear to publicize your work. Applied especially to social networks in general where you can associate with your blog. If you have something to say, dare you to say so. There is always someone willing to listen to the other side, that the internet is very big and has place for all
MOE Szyslak
Take a cane!: If you are a regular reader of the blog, you'll know the why of this Council, but also, you should read an article on the benefits that can be drunk go to write an article on your blog.
Montgomery Burns
If you want to get rich, you assemble a nuclear power plant: do not start a blog with the idea of earning money with him. If you start it must be because you really like, and only then, can one day you get the same economic performance. There are several ways to earn money with a blog, but if your goal is to create the blog to cover you, you end up owner before getting the first 50 euros.
APU Nahasapeemapetilon
Do you think that these long time from the pc? Think about the time that would devote you Apu if a Badulake sees he has a blog. Surely if you spend 5 minutes more per day, you get something to improve it. (Without exaggerations how those of the character that you would lead to nothing more than to obsess you)
There are many more characters from the Simpsons that we could give any advice to make a better blog. Can you think of any that has not gone? Leave it as a comment!