
The newsletters do not work. You understand?

Throw your mailing-list if more than 2-3 year communications contain the names of people who probably hate you. Christmas greetings, Ferragosto, a valid communication. This and how ordinary people can receive their e-mail.

You don't believe? Read on.
In 2010 the main enemy of the internet and unsolicited advertising or SPAM. As almost always, but it seems that, as in the best stories, the trash is the supervillain who never dies and resurrects increasingly strong. Computationally the natural selection that has had to face and huge. He learned about the tools that creep on the sites and the ways in which not be detected in the mail. He learned to read the captcha more simple, to make transactions, to become an image not to be read in the contents. In evolutionary terms could be considered a beautiful creature, spam.

In a recent web seminar and found that the most important change that Google is implementing in its algorithms is the increase of cases of ban to sites that try to distort or algorithms generate/publish spam. The use of original content and valid than little useful content doped or must be preserved by any means.

And ' how to make zapping in television, if you find something interesting every remote support channels 35 and quit or make other (ok, maybe not and fitting). People if he continues in this way will stop to check mail and maybe you lose even something useful or interesting, or perhaps, in the heat to delete a Monday morning, will erase without realizing something had to be read. In the best cases will begin to associate reading mail to annoying and negative.

The mail should be used sparingly, as sms. The ease with which it can connect does not require a connection. The silence, and gold. It's like personal spaces whose invasions are always punished sooner or later, sometimes even rudely.

I think that perhaps it would be better to pay to send email ... probably would be more careful in what you send. As you understand I hate all the newsletters, without distinction:

ALL THOSE who had requested and which I have not managed to disconnect, THOSE to which I have sold my email in exchange for a manual or a white sheet, THOSE that I propose discounts, promotions, news, previews, and obese and soprattuttoQUELLE of BBW that deal for sick beautiful girls in the East that I want to know and visit Italy.The point and that, if we really care about what we find ourselves alone. We are men not?

The newsletters are rather like those girls who say "I enjoyed tonight, I call you soon" and that you are and make a living on their own initiative, without anyone willing to hear them or see them. At the moment less appropriate type while you are messed up, or you are thinking of nothing else. You've seen "the truth and not sneezing"? Behold, and even so, there are no exceptions.

JUST NEWSLETTER! But don't buy it more advertising on institutional newsletter, industry associations. You don't need. No one reads their communications and the few times that are read the publicity have value zero. There was a very cute telefilm called Hustle, the genes of the scam. This is for me the newsletters follow a similar principle: people want to get AS MUCH with no effort and is spending SO MUCH without any result.

Of course, what you say might be really exceptional.If so PLEASE ENTER THEM, but in your site, and promote the news on Twitter and on social networks like Facebook or Google. If sara deemed interesting eco avra and your site guadagera as well as visibility. Write on a page that is not on a communication that is rejected.
But to work must be interesting (and well written) otherwise and should not say anything. The silence and gold.

Not using old methods of advertising in new ways that get results. Webmarketing and powerful, but not this.

Must be the genes of these graceful newsletter promoters. Why Google adwords I mica I sell so well, and yet the advertising form with the best quality price ratio and especially with a measurable ROI, really.