
News for the web: online journalism courses

Make information in the era of the web, means mastering new languages and new tools for dissemination. Anyone involved in journalism, networked, cannot ignore the principles of on line communication and techniques of writing for the web. Let's see how it becomes information professionals on the Internet thanks to online journalism courses.For some time now, the information travels on the Web. Digital magazines and online newspapers allow readers to access the news quickly, for free and in real time. The Internet has revolutionized, in essence, the way to be informed and to inform. But what this entails in terms of writing? The web requires news brief, concise and detailed. Glossary of distance and editorials Groovy are a distant memory of printed paper. Online journalism has very precise rules: summary, immediacy, simplicity. Even large newspapers, while keeping hordes of loyal readers, have turned their attention to the web, while parallel to digital newsrooms. Let's see what are the rules of journalism online and which training courses to become information professionals on the web.
Online Journalism: principles and rules
The network presents specific communication needs: internet user requires news brief, immediately accessible and readily available. An article designed for the web must take account of the peculiarities of the medium: adopt a style that is simple, avoid unnecessary circumlocution, allow the reader to navigate through a coherent and logical path. Anyone involved in online journalism must speak with clarity, structure the text effectively, use keywords that allow the article to position itself adequately in search engines. Must also take account of the requirements and modalities of use of those who browse the Internet. The web page does not catalyze the attention of the user, so it is important to use small devices that make reading more comfortable: divide the text into short paragraphs, use link for any insights and insert titles that summarize the content effectively. On the site, find a guide Mediatime techniques of writing for the web and the rudiments of journalism online.

Online Journalism: learn the basic techniques
Online Journalism requires specific skills and there are many training institutions that, over time, have enabled the ad hoc study programmes. For those who wish to refine the techniques of writing for the web and learn the basic principles for drafting reports on the Internet, the Nine Road Association, sponsored by the Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, municipality of Modena, offers an Online Journalism course of short duration. The course teaches how to structure the articles for the web, starting with the identification of the target destination, up to the elements around which to build the news, titration, the Division into paragraphs, the use of the link and media files. For those who prefer the e-learning, however, the European Telematics Academy offers an Online Journalism course lasting 24 hours, with the possibility to carry out practical training at a digital editing. The project is aimed at professionals who aspire to work at press offices, publishing companies and digital newsrooms. Allows you to learn the techniques of communication for new media, create and manage blogs, use new channels for communication, acquire the main rules of journalism to the web.

Online Journalism: higher education
The figure of the journalist could web is gaining its own dignity and several universities provide targeted training pathways. Presso'Universita di Urbino and active the degree course in publishing, Media and journalism. The course includes lessons and multimedia communication related to the use of digital technologies. Objective of the training and preparation of graduates specialists able to work as journalists in different sectors of the publishing industry, cultural industry and media. Education helps you learn the techniques of writing for new media and learning to build Hypertext and multimedia products for online journalism.
The LUMSA University in Rome offers a Master's degree in journalism from the duration of 24 months. The training prepares his role as a journalist at on-line and traditional media and provides internships at newspapers, news agencies, radio, television and online newsrooms. During the internship, recognized by the national order of journalists, you will explore the techniques of radio journalism, television and online, you need to operate in the various areas of journalism. It is expected, moreover, conducting and teaching modules in English.