WordPress and widely recognized as the most powerful blogging platform and flexible available and there are millions of sites that work with him but his popularity, unfortunately, makes it one of the primary goals of evil intent (crackers). If you have a blog based on WordPress and important to keep it updated and treating the side of safety and as a starting point for protection I have three interesting plugins to try now:
WP Security Scan checks your entire WordPress installation and for each security flaw found, provides a series of suggestions for their closure.Login Lockdown by installing and activating this plugin every time someone tries to access your dashboard the IP address and time of login attempt is logged. If you perform more login attempts in a given period of time from the same IP address, the login is temporarily disabled by anyone. You can set at will the number of login attempts and the period of time.Remove My Version each time a visitor loads a page on your blog, Wordpress provides a line of text in the header that shows the version of WordPress you are using. This information may be used by an evil intent to attack your blog using specially designed methods for a specific version of WordPress. The removal of this information makes it much more difficult to "Pierce" your blog.
To install the plugin and simply click >> add new Plugins from your dashboard and look for the plugin via the name, then usually just one or two clicks!
To finish a couple of other tactics to strengthen the security of WordPress: use strong passwords and Bill, often creates a user with administrator privileges by deleting admin and finally keep everything always updated to the latest version available.