After the last update, Google probably Panda sbarchera in Italy between approximately two months will be better the ranking of websites with useful and unique content, making them more visible in search results.
Panda and by far the most significant change to Google's search algorithm of the last 10 years. The Affairs of many companies that dominate on the internet by many years could go up in smoke in a few hours.
Google Panda, also called Content Update farm or Farm Update, not simply born to remove from indexing all sites with little content from relevant pages or just the original Panda and something revolutionary and we're just at the beginning of a new era.
Recently renamed Panda Google Update, Panda and was mainly developed for:
Improve the ranking of sites with content qualitaFornire answers most relevant searches and more velocementeRidurre the ranking of sites with low quality content
The Content Farm are all those sites that consist of a large number of pages generally have little relevance, mainly created to generate advertising revenue through SEO and link building to increase maximum indexing.
Sites written little professionalmenteCon too much advertising compared to contenutoCon duplicate content from other sitiSiti sparsely linkatiSiti with some content not relevant
(a large number of sites will suffer a sharp decline in traffic)
Sites with content originaliSiti data ricercheSiti with approfonditeSiti with reports of quality back links from external pages relevant
Google recommends to focus to make your site an authority in your niche.
Consider removing or to use the meta tags NOINDEX for all content of poor quality or seek to consolidate them by updating them of useful information for anyone who comes to read them.
If your site has pages with low quality content, you should remove them from your index, even if you have a lot of good content you could suffer heavy penalties with the arrival of Panda.
The new SEO should be then in pushing only the stuff of best quality and the complete removal of low quality and with a niche extraneous to your site.
Regarding link building does not automatically generate hundreds of links to your site within a short time. If you write interesting content back links come from themselves.
Google and very aware of these techniques.
More quality content you publish, the more Google will continue to indicizzarti you get a high visibility.