-Very convenient, if the site has some transitions from one page to another, because links are not only at home but also on secondary pages and like it users, because they instead of 3-5 clicks in 1-2.
-Read the texts are not robots, and people, so you need to write texts intelligible to humans. Nowadays very trendy do texts under search engines Yandex’a, Googl’a, Rambler’a, etc., but web wizard definitively forget that from the very beginning of the text is written. I agree, it does not become you read messy, blurry text.
-Very good, if a site has important information for man, because in the first place he would draw the attention to the link that you need.
-Use the services on the site attendance statistics, because they will give you an idea what sites most often visited by people and which is very rare. It really helps you to discover the causes of failure.
-Should not forget that you must first draw the attention of your potential clients and therefore it is better not to advertise that does not correspond to the theme of the site – otherwise you just throw money down the drain.
By analogy with advertising, not hijack sites with unnecessary information. Simplicity and understandability – two of the best quality!