
I am not a Blog Star, yet…

If it has been written on the road or sitting in my small home office, I arrived just a personal milestone. Can you hear the cheers, hoots and atta-boy in the background? Not? It's OK, I can neither. But, I posted my post just 500th on the blog I wrote for the past few years. In fact, I don't know how long it was. When you write as much as I (we), it does really much question.

Long ago and far from here, is the expression, and this is where I started to blog. Friends and family still have no evidence of it. Until my name appears above a section of the New York Times, my mother never recognize me a writer legitimate. I have also a few hundred other posts on blogs that I created, but since I don't pay myself, I, sorry to admit, lost the incentive to follow.

It is not just money. We all know that without the recognition of the outside world, blogging is just as being parked in a meteorological station at the North Pole. It's just you and some greenish radar screen watching the clouds go. Perhaps someone, anyone could read what you write - Igor in his basement surfing the "cloud", says, "Gee, I agree with this guy, I love his stuff," but of course, it does not leave a comment. It could be one of hundreds, and then again, probably not.

When I said first blogging, free of arrogant picky editors and publishers, it was the best thing ever. My fingers would be tick, tick, ticking on the keyboard and I could say about all that I wanted. I was a newspaper of one man, writing about food, fashion, sport, political, and even using my camera - later my cell phone - like global photojournalist that I fantasized becoming.

I knew that my glow - my unique insight and perspective on the world - would certainly get noticed. Why it would be only a matter of time before to be pinch my tedious and physically demanding work and assign a cabin with a prestigious magazine or Web site.

Narcissistic silly me. Although a first map in blogging, soon he y gazillions of blogs everywhere. Mysteriously, the worst is become the most important and its founder and editor in Chief about $ 300 million. I asked myself, where did I go wrong? I can write as well or better than Arianna.

To do my best Brando (1954) "On the Waterfront" imitation, I said that, but "I could - a bee-fr ah contenda!". 500 posts later that I am aware - it is about 250,000 words - easily a book. It provided me with the chance to repair my roof and purchase an additional pair of sports shoes or two. Right now, I am without a job and income little as it provides - when I have actually paid - helps soften the blow.

But, I wanted to be a star. I'd even settle for half a star. I've got easily 500, 1000 - same 2500 positions in me right now. You may block me in my room shortly and I could just blog away. Slide just some pretzel M & M and an occasional Red Bull under the door - I'm good to go.

I get not very young. What is my plan "Star"? I do not know. I'm kind of speechless. The economy is not helping matters. Then there is the letter of rejection of Technorati. That evil. Listen, I know I never upgraded my cassettes of Tony Robbins for CD, but a man can only motivate himself - by himself only so long. I have to post 500 ++.

I pray much these days. I will keep the faith and keep up - to the stars.Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...